🚀 Features
- 💌 Auto approve AND Auto Snipe (Limited in Free)
- ⏰ Buys and Sells instantly using sandwich strategy vector
- 🌏 Sell tokens with your custom increase in price, like 50%, 100%, 200%.
- 💸 Contains Stop loss, trailing stop loss, 2 take profit levels and 7 filters
- Enjoy and leave a star, if you like it!
📚 Installation Guide
For Linux, Windows and Mac users that want to run the free code:
Download nodejs for your PC from
Open terminal in the bot folder and type:
npm install
– this will install all modules required to run the bot – Fill your private key and node in variables file
double click start.bat for windows users, or for mac after making it executable
If you want to run in terminal:
node buy.js
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